Monday, October 3, 2011

What does my car say about me?

I was out at a friends house Saturday night for a small get-together. Out of the nine people there I knew one, and from what I could gather most of the people in attendance were in just about the same situation, having been invited by a friend who knew the hostess. Basically, we could have utilized some name tags. About a half hour after the last of the guests arrived, they posed a question. "Who drives the Element?" I volunteer myself up, and the asking couple proceeded to congratulate each other, providing figurative pats on the back coupled with a few "we were right's" and "we called its".

Honestly, I didn't really know what to make of this. I sat there for a few seconds wondering if I should be insulted or happy for being recognized as a consumer who takes safety ratings into consideration when purchasing a car, all the while second guessing my outfit choice. I was perplexed, so I asked "What kind of person drives an Element that you picked me out of the crowd?" Without waiting for an answer I rattled off several possibilities, a habit I have long had, and definitely need to work on. "Do I look like a person who likes to be able to put their bike in their car? Is it because I look outdoorsy? Its my flip flops isn't it?" I was just short of asking if it had anything to do with the fact that I often forgo store bought antiperspirant for the natural antiperspirant found in lime juice. Lucky I quickly remembered I had just met these people and they had no idea I was a bit granola.

I never got an answer, which I'm confident directly correlated to my inability to shut my mouth and just listen for an answer to my original question, and the remaining seven people laughing at what I thought might make me look like an Element driver. It kind of made me wonder if I would have ever been picked out as Gene's owner (the 2003 pink Geo Prism)....God I hope not. Don't get me wrong, I loved that car but what would the owner of Gene look like- I would ascertain they would look, first and foremost, poor. I bet you're wondering what your car says about you.

Just a final thought, but maybe it was the outfit. I was wearing a pair of chinos with hemp flip flops and a shirt with the state of Indiana outlined on it which read "home grown". On the way out I checked out the other cars, one of which was a brand new mustang with racing stripes and I thought to myself, I'm not sure why but I'm happy they thought I was Bruce's owner.

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